Getting There Read online

Page 4

  “Oh, professor? Did I wake you,” he questioned as he stepped forward, Lucas nearly falling over himself in retreat. “And you, so poorly dressed for our adventure, too. How fortunate for you I’m a patient man. In fact, I’ll wait right here while you go grab clothes to wear. Hopefully, shorts and a t-shirt, maybe sandals if we’re lucky.”

  Lucas was still stuck on adventure, wondering when his world had so completely spun on its axis that this man was standing before him insisting they had plans to go anywhere at all. Stuttering quite unbecomingly, he asked, “A-adventure? Where? Why are you here?”

  Creed shook his head, his expression filled with pity. “Now, I’ve heard of the absent-minded professor, but rarely have I seen the specimen for myself.” His body now beyond the threshold, Creed shut the door behind him.

  The air caught in Lucas’s lungs, his nervousness tangible as Creed’s presence shadowed the space around them. He stepped back, and Creed continued forward until Lucas’s legs were against the coffee table stopping him from moving further.

  Creed reached out, his arms wrapping around Lucas and pulling him forward, up against his hard body. Lucas threw his hands up against Creed’s chest, but instead of pushing him away, as he intended, he found himself clutching him. His body betrayed him, the need for more overwhelming his senses.

  “Your sounds, Lucas. They make me want to do things to you, see how loud I can get you to go.” Creed placed his other hand beneath Lucas’s ass and lifted him. “The way you fit me. It’s what I’ve wanted every time I’ve seen you.” Lucas sighed as Creed drew his lips along Lucas’s neck, nipped at his skin, his teeth sharp. “Want to fuck you so bad right now.” Lucas moaned. “But, I have plans for us today, plans that include you putting on some clothes, then maybe me ripping them off of you later.”

  Lucas almost whimpered when Creed let him go, dizzy from the haze of desire that assaulted him.

  “See, Lucas. I’m not the only one wanting this.”

  “I… I’m not…” Lucas shook his head, trying to gather his thoughts. “I’m not an idiot. I agree, but I’m not ready for this, for you.” He flipped his hand between to the two of them. “For whatever this is.”

  “And I get that, so I’m taking what you’re willing to give right now. If you happen to bless me with a kiss or two, allow me to take a few of those sweet little whimpers of yours in my mouth again, it will be one of the best moments of my life.” Creed smiled down at Lucas. “As I said, I’ve wanted you forever, Lucas. I can wait. Now, go get some clothes on. I’ll be right here like a good little boy. Stay here any longer, and I can’t make any promises about what I’ll do next.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “No, Lucas. I’m determined.” Bending, Creed kissed Lucas gently, a graze of his lips over Lucas’s own. Before he even realized what he was doing, Lucas reached up, pressed harder, searching for more.

  “Lucas,” Creed said, his mouth opening for Lucas’s kiss. “Lucas, sweetheart. You need to stop, or throwing you on that couch and sinking my cock in your sweet ass is a real possibility.”

  The growl beneath Creed’s words made Lucas shiver. Dropping his hands, he turned around but not before he saw the force of Creed’s lust in his eyes.

  God, what was he doing? Shaking his head, he walked away and into the guest bedroom to change. His heart was wild in his chest, his dick more than eager to get back to what they’d started.

  Lucas sighed. Yesterday he was mourning a relationship. Today, he was trying to catch his breath, running his tongue over his lips, savoring the taste of a man he never knew wanted him. Or, maybe it was the other way around. How many times had he caught himself looking at Creed, noticing the way he moved, the way he talked? How many times had he reminded himself that he was in a relationship, and that Creed was Anthony’s friend?

  What the hell was he doing? And who was Creed to think of ordering him around, that manhandling him into doing what he wanted, was okay? But, he thought of Creed’s eyes, the way those twin pools of gold heated as he looked at him. It was terrible how much he wanted more—more of those kisses, of the way Creed’s lips mauled his own.

  Lucas looked around and saw his overnight bag lying on the floor.

  Why not?

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  In Creed’s Jeep, Lucas turned to face him.

  “So, where are we going?”

  Creed pulled out of the driveway and turned to the right. “Figured we’d go to Folly Beach today, relax, and eat lunch. I’ve got my surfboard in the back, just in case.”

  “Aren’t you a little old to be surfing?”

  Creed looked over his sunglasses, his dark amber eyes focused on Lucas. “I’m twenty-nine, Lucas, not dead. And, you’re what, thirty-two?”

  “You know how old I am?”

  “Yes, Lucas. Anthony told me.” Creed shook his head as he passed a driver more intent on their phone than the road.

  “Why would he?”

  “Because I asked. Because I wanted to know. Wanted to know everything about you. Still do.” Focusing on the road ahead, Creed continued while Lucas watched him, the way he drove, controlling the car as they turned corner after corner.

  “Why me, Creed? Why now?” Lucas didn’t look at Creed this time, too nervous about what he might see there. Instead, he looked ahead, eyes on the road but his complete awareness for Creed alone.

  “It’s always been you, Lucas, from the first moment I met you, but I didn’t want to cross a line. Your brother is my best friend, and later when I thought about telling you, you were already dating that asshole. But, when I got the text from Anthony there was trouble in paradise, I figured you’d be with him. This was my chance. So, I asked for the lunch he owed me.”

  “You planned this, planned to see me at the station.”

  “It was a safe bet, one I won.”

  Lucas was quiet. What could he say? He had no idea. For the last three years, he’d only had time for Ira, tried to be the perfect partner. Still, he’d be crazy not to notice how beautiful Creed was. How his dark tanned skin and the long hair that fell over his shoulders stirred feelings within Lucas. Lucas never would have acted, though. Even if he hadn’t been in a relationship, he would have lacked the courage to approach Creed.

  And now, it wasn’t courage moving him. It was an overwhelming need to be beneath the man that made him tremble.

  When they pulled into a Publix parking lot, Creed said, “Let’s make a stop here. I want to grab some food, some water, and fruit maybe? Whatever you want, too.”

  “Whatever I want?”

  “Yes. Pick out whatever you like. We’re going to be at the beach for a while, so whatever you wish.”

  Ira had always selected everything, given little space for Lucas’s opinions. He’d grown so used to it, expected it. When had that happened? His inability to think on his own? Moreover, Creed was telling him to get what made him happy, considering Lucas’s feelings. It was… nice.

  Lucas’s door opened, and Creed looked at him, a soft smile on his face.


  Lucas turned to him. “Yes.”

  “Baby, you can get out of the car.”

  Lucas shook himself. “Of course I can. I don’t know what I was thinking.” And, he wouldn’t dare tell Creed.

  As they walked through the market, Lucas picked up a few fruits and snacks, things he’d missed. Strawberries, grapes, and Cheez-Its. Bottles of water. When they passed the canned vegetable aisle, he paused. Pickles. Ira hated them, hated the smell, but Lucas loved them, had loved them since he was a child.

  “Pickles? Great idea. Let’s get some of those, too.”

  Pickles were added to the basket and they shopped on.

  “Looks like we have enough here,” Creed said. He squeezed Lucas’s hand—a hand Lucas had tried unsuccessfully at least twice to reclaim. If it wasn’t his hand, Creed’s fingertips rested against the small of his back, the touch too pleasant to ignore. Touch. Lucas had missed it, too, an
d Creed continued to give it naturally. He walked and kept a line of touch from him to Lucas, glancing this way and that, asking what Lucas enjoyed, and what he didn’t. What foods were his favorites? Did he cook often? Desserts he loved?

  It was just a walk through a supermarket, but it was wonderful.

  And that’s when he saw them.

  Was it fate—or dumb fucking luck—he’d see Ira and Tommy, the two of them steps ahead, arm in arm at the checkout lane?

  Lucas’s chest seized, literally suffocating with how little air he was taking in.

  “Breathe, Lucas,” whispered Creed.

  Creed knew. It was in the way he said his name, the calm he radiated. Lucas turned to go back, to leave, to go anywhere but here, but Creed stopped him with a touch.

  “Shh. It’s okay. I have you. Come up for air, Lucas.” And, Lucas did. Shallow breaths at first, then great ones, deep and slow. “It’s my turn now.”

  Creed’s kiss against Lucas’s neck was warm, tender, so Lucas turned back to him, allowed himself to be held for a moment that felt like an eternity. His pulse slowed, his fight or flight reaction disappeared, and he breathed.

  “Better, Koibito?”

  “What does that mean?” Lucas murmured.

  “Sweetheart. Now, are you okay?”

  Lucas nodded against Creed’s shoulder.

  “Good. Let’s stop holding up the line here and pay.” Another kiss and Creed paid for the items, including the pickles.

  When they returned to Creed’s Jeep, Lucas noticed Ira and Tommy getting into Ira’s custom-built S-class Mercedes Benz. Ira held the door open for Tommy, smiled at him as he entered the car.

  Lucas watched for a moment, frozen before he felt strong, corded arms wrap around him from behind, warm breath against his ear.

  “You see that?”

  What was Lucas supposed to say? He saw them both, the way they looked at each other, all heat and passion after destroying his world days before.

  “That’s a man who just lost the best thing in his life. A fool who gave away a diamond and replaced it with some cheap knockoff.”

  Ira bent toward Tommy, kissed him in the middle of the parking lot. Lucas and Ira had rarely shared a kiss on the lips with others around. Ira felt displays of public affection was beneath him. The anger and hurt resurfaced, and Lucas wanted to turn away. But, Creed slid his hand down Lucas’s hip, pulled him against him. Lucas gasped at the hardness greeting him. “Mine, Lucas. And I’m going to treasure you forever.”

  Ira turned and suddenly his eyes met Lucas’s. Then he noticed Creed, his hand, the way he held Lucas against him possessively, not hiding him, not allowing him to hide but displaying him for the world to see.

  Ira’s face twisted into an emotion Lucas had never witnessed from him before.


  It was glacier, the way the expression became hideous and ugly.

  Ira stepped forward, his fists balled, his face mottled with anger, but Tommy moved forward and stopped him, drew his hand down Ira’s arm and pulled him back. Creed shifted, placing himself in front of Lucas.

  Standing on his toes, Tommy whispered into Ira’s ear and Ira listened. Shaking his head, he turned away, Tommy next to him.

  When Ira was in the car and seated behind the wheel, Tommy turned back to Lucas.

  “Well, is that the best you can do? Bring that giant Chinaman of yours to try and win Ira back, make him jealous? Letting him paw all over your ass in front of him?” Tommy was almost screaming the words across the lot. “Pitiful. Once he’s done fucking you, what can he do for you?” To emphasize his point, he looked over at the Jeep Creed drove. “Nothing.” Tommy lifted his head, shut Ira’s door and got into the car.

  Ira pulled out of the space, but before he drove away, he slowed panning a look over Lucas coldly, then drove away.

  “I can’t believe this. Of all the stores. Like I would ever. He doesn’t even know you. Know your family. You run businesses, several of them. He has no idea who you are.” Lucas’s heart raced as if he was recovering from an emotional triathlon. How dare Tommy insult Creed—who was Japanese, not Chinese—and try to embarrass him?

  “And you? Do you know me?” The tone in Creed’s voice, the question made Lucas look up, his cheeks flaming when he did.

  “Of course I do.”

  “What else, Lucas?” Lucas backed away, turned to grab the handle. “I’m not by myself in this, am I?”

  “Creed, I can’t.”

  “I’m not asking you to tell me you want me. I can still taste you from earlier, feel the way your body wanted mine. I’m asking if you have any feelings for me at all.”

  God, this was such a mess, and was he even ready for this—for Creed? The answer to that was no, or it should have been.

  “Creed, I shouldn’t.”

  “You shouldn’t, Lucas, or you don’t?”

  Lucas dropped his head to the glass, sighed when Creed’s arms wrapped around him. “I shouldn’t.”

  He groaned when Creed’s hand reached into his hair, massaged his scalp with strong fingers, and removed the tension from his body.

  For a moment they stood, the two of them, Creed touching him, comforting him, and Lucas taking what he gave.

  “Okay, I’m ready for the ocean. Let’s go,” Lucas declared.

  Chapter Four

  Lucas sat in the Jeep as Creed walked around the side, pulling one bag then another from the vehicle.

  “Come on, princess. The ocean awaits.”

  The view was amazing, the few people there looked like dots along the shore from how high up they parked. It was difficult for Lucas to remember the last time he’d visited the beach. All this time and he’d never really felt the desire.

  He looked out across the shore and enjoyed the way the sun dappled over the surface like diamonds sparkling in the sand. Sand. There was sand, sand and more sand. It was beautiful, but he was beginning to regret his decision to wear sneakers. It was difficult enough getting the sand off his feet, much less the shoes. He’d be dumping them for weeks.

  And princess? Who was Creed calling a princess?

  The door opened, and Creed leaned in. The items they purchased along with a cooler sat beside Creed’s surfboard.

  “I’m not a princess,” Lucas said tightly.

  “No, if you were, I wouldn’t want you. You’re all man, and I can’t wait to swallow down the proof.” Creed’s smile was devilish. “All right, get out before I’m tempted to carry you out myself.” The way he looked at Lucas was a promise he’d follow through.

  “You’d just pull me out of this car?” Lucas questioned, hating the way need crept into his voice at the thought.

  Creed leaned in further, licking his lips and Lucas was entranced by the heated look in his eyes. “Honey, I’d love to take my hands and run them all over you first. Then, I’d pull you out and drag that sweet body of yours down to the beach.”

  Lucas stood, but Creed didn’t move back. He leaned in further making sure the length of Lucas’s body aligned with Creed’s as he exited the car. Where Lucas was lean and toned, Creed was tall and muscular. The feel of him only increased the tightness in Lucas’s his groin.

  There was no one around them, and his thoughts moving in the direction they were going was a bad thing, a terrible thing. Right?

  “Look at that face. You want me, don’t you, honey?” Creed’s husky voice sent shivers through Lucas’s body, and he whimpered, actually whimpered as Creed pressed even closer against him. “I could turn you around right now, take those shorts of yours off and fuck you hard and deep right here. They’d hear your cries, listen as my balls slap against your ass. I’d take you, shove my cock into you, and make you mine. Is that what you want, sweetheart?”

  “No,” Lucas said breathlessly as his dick hardened.

  “You’re a terrible liar, Lucas.”

  Reaching out, Creed pulled Lucas to him, kissed him deeply. Lucas would never get used to this. Creed was possessive whe
re Ira had been tender. Creed owned him while Ira displayed him. It was new, something Lucas had no idea he’d ever wanted—to be claimed like this. Creed was right. He was a liar, he did want Creed, but he’d be lying to himself if he thought this might go anywhere.

  Unaware of Lucas’s thoughts, Creed turned back to the items on the dirt by his feet. “So, let’s make it to the shore. We’re spending the day out there. We’ll let the night take care of itself.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  On the shore, Lucas relaxed and watched as Creed spun into the air, riding the waves. He was king of the ocean. Those muscles rippled and flexed. Lucas fell in so much lust, he was surprised he was lying with his legs open without the few passersby seeing how hard he actually was as he pretended he was reading and not watching him.

  Creed was fearless, his head forward, his arms out while he flew.

  It was amazing.

  He was amazing.

  When he slid into the sand, he picked up his board and raced to Lucas.

  “Wet hugs,” Creed shouted.


  “Hey, I warned you.” Then all that wet, delicious weight was on top of Lucas pressing him against the sand. Creed was solid, his corded muscle cold and slick beneath Lucas’s fingers.

  “Ugh. Get off of me!”

  “Nope, you feel so warm out here in the sun.” Creed laughed, and the laugh was light as a fresh batch of carnival cotton candy, so sweet Lucas couldn’t resist. He laughed, too.

  Creed repeated the wet hugs until Lucas gave up and took off his shirt allowing the sun to kiss his skin.

  “Okay, I’m hungry,” Creed said when he fell beside Lucas. “And, not just for your pretty nipples.” Lucas’s face grew warm, but Creed didn’t appear to notice, more interested in the cooler next to them. “Let’s dig into that food we picked up.”

  Creed tore through a bag of chips, downed two bottles of water and devoured nearly half of the strawberries. Lucas guessed surfing expended a lot of energy with the way Creed ate. Lucas watched him and enjoyed it, seeing Creed happily fed. When Creed settled back, he held one of the pickles between his lips.